Civil society has emphasized the need for new charter of democracy in order to initiate dialogue and meaningful deliberation for the inclusion of all political parties and stakeholders in the democratic process.
The civil society tabled the proposal of strengthening democracy in the country during a National Dialogue on New Charter of Democracy organized by Pakistan Development Alliance (PDA), Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and the National Press Club (NPC). Speaking on the occasion, President National Party Balochistan Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch said that all political parties considered as the nurseries of democracy and their vibrancy and inclusiveness enrich nations’ democratic experiences.
“We call upon the political parties to consider creation of ‘National Commission for Democracy’ as envisaged in the CoD-2006 to support civic education, study circles and training of future leaders and cadre through the political parties,” he added. He also stressed the political parties to ensure that all citizens irrespective of their gender, class, economic background and creed should be valued and equally involved in the affairs of the party.
National Convener Pakistan Development Alliance Zia ur Rehman emphasized the cohesiveness of all political parties and said the dialogue between all political Pakistan could only pave the way for developing the country. He said that all political parties should adopt proposed COD2.0 as their party manifesto. Constitutional Expert ZafarUllah Khan emphasized the importance of centrality of Parliament and demanded that constitutional supremacy should be accepted by all. Secretary General Pakistan People’s Party, FarhatUllah Babar said that article 32-36 of the COD 2006 were not given priority in the past years.
The political parties should focus on leftover clauses of COD 2006 in new COD. PFUJ President Afzal Butt stressed the need for independent accountability commission and free and independent media in order to foster democracy in the country. During the session, other participants also stressed on the effective role and centrality of parliamentary institutions to offer a better legal framework, oversight mechanisms, taxation and pro-people resources appropriation as well as increased role of Parliamentary Committee for Judicial appointments.